Here is the finished Commission for :iconkclcmdr:. Here is the description he wanted with the image: The Forgotten Ones - Galactica Over Caprica This is a depiction of the Galactica firing off her missiles to intercept incoming Cylon Nuke Missiles as she falls thur Caprica's atmosphere in order to eliminate as many of the incoming before they impact on any Colonial Caprican Cities.. The title of this storythread that is being depicted her is The Forgotten Ones by author Xerxezz The TOC is on this link below forums.spacebattles.com/thread... The Chapter being depicted is link below forums.spacebattles.com/thread... And excerpt of what is happening is below.. And suddenly she spoke, her voice one of thunder and fury. Lances of searing light sprung forth from her metal hide, each on reaching high into the sky, each one ending in a conflagration of light. It wasn’t a weapon to smite her foes though, but a shield to guard her charges. In every direction, as far as the eyes could see an ethereal wall of flame had appeared made up of thousands of fireballs. At the centre of this firestorm was the metal levithan, throwing more balls of flame into the heavens as the previous ones died out. Her form was growing larger, closer. With it, they could hear the howl of the wind as she tore her way through the atmosphere. Closer and closer she came to the ground, seemingly uncaring about her impending demise in favour of keeping the aegis of fire going. She was close now, close enough that the ground rumbled and panes of glass clattered in their frames from her howl. Every lance of fire into the sky sounded like a deafening clap of thunder, strong enough to send a massive tremor through the ground. Despite the sheer amount of devastation he had just witnessed, he couldn’t contain his half-mad laugh of relief. Caprica City was still here. This was a very interesting Commission to complete. The Galactica is a tough ship to get right in 2D, I can only imagine what the many Artist that have touched or created the 3D model. I know she isn't 100% accurate, but I did check with Doug Drexler on a few things since we never actually saw the Galactica fire her missiles on screen. He told me about the missile doors on the spine. I improvised with the launchers on the nose since the ports looked like missile Ports. Sean P. Tourangeau 7-19-2013 Galactica Created in Adobe Illustrator CS6 and taken into Adobe Photoshop CS6 for the rest of the image. I stopped counting on the hours after 12 worked on it. Enjoy